Franklin Public School

Respect. Safety. Achievement.

Telephone02 6947 1533

Payment - Sentral

Our school has partnered with Sentral Finance to help manage our school payments. Sentral Finance integrates with The Sentral for Parents Portal and App, offering parents/carers an easy and convenient way to receive communications, make payments and manage permissions. 

To make a payment, simply log in to Sentral for Parents Portal or App and follow the prompts.

Sentral’s Parent Portal & App delivers the communication you expect

Communication with your school community has never been easier. Take advantage of the 2-way messaging feature to connect directly with teachers and the calendar means you’ll always be up-to-date with key dates and events.

The Newsfeed and daily notice function can be filtered to your choosing of topic and you can even make secure payments of fees and excursions within the Parent app as well. All at your fingertips.

Stay connected anywhere, on any device