What is Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)?
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is a framework that brings together the whole-school community to contribute to developing a positive, safe and supportive learning culture for all students. At Franklin Public School we focus upon three core values – Achievement, Respect and Safety. These values are clearly visible across all school settings and within the language used by staff and students. PBL allows for consistency across the school in developing expectations in terms of student achievement and behaviour, as well as building strong relationships among staff and students. PBL also provides a predictable learning environment to establish positive routines and a continuum of supports for all students.
PBL Awards
As part of PBL Franklin Public School celebrates students who are selected from each class as a ‘Franklin Star’ for the week. These students are identified as actively striving for achievement, showing respect and being safe in our school environment. They are recognised at weekly assemblies.
PBL Wristbands
PBL wristbands are presented every fortnight at K-6 formal assemblies for students who have displayed the values of Achievement, Respect and Safety. Students earn tokens for each value which are placed into a draw. The winning students receive a wristband labelled with the core values.
PBL Weekly Lessons
Every Tuesday afternoon all K-6 classes meet in the Miles Franklin Hall to learn about the PBL focus of the week. This is presented by the PBL Committee using role plays, slide shows and video productions. The message regarding expectations about a particular area of the school is discussed and any questions clarified. This allows for all students and staff to be aware their role and responsibility within our school settings.
Reward Days
The PBL Team collaborate with the students at the beginning of the school year in choosing a reward for each term. From mufti days, movie afternoons, additional play to ‘Fun Fridays’, the students celebrate this achievement with their peers whilst promoting a positive atmosphere across the school.