Franklin Public School is now taking Enrolments for 2026!
At Franklin, we believe in supporting a strong and successful transition to school and together with Tumut SaCC we have implemented an inclusive program designed to support families enrolling at Franklin in 2026.
Each week, Franklin runs an ‘Early Explorers’ program, where children can explore the Kindergarten classroom, interact with the current Kindergarten teachers and become familiar with the school environment. As they do, we will get to know your child and be able to build on their strengths and abilities.
If you have a Kindergarten aged child (one which will be turning 5 before July 31 or turning 6 in 2026), then now is the time to seek enrolment at Franklin Public School.
Enrol online or drop into our office to pick up a form.
For more information regarding enrolments, please contact the school office on 6947 1533.